Hello! Welcome to our blog!

Hello! Welcome to our blog!

We (Elder Joshua Cordon, Elder Jared Cordon, and Elder Steven Cordon) are three brothers, dedicating two years of our lives, sharing a message of hope and joy. You can get to know more about why they believe what they believe by reading their weekly letters during the next several years.

Elder Joshua Cordon left on his mission May 2013 and is serving in the Florida Jacksonville Mission. Also check out Joshua Cordon‘s Mormon.org profile to learn more of why He is dedicating the next two years to his Savior Jesus Christ. Joshua also has a missionary Facebook page for the purpose of inviting others to come unto Christ. In addition he has a blog with occassional inspirational messages.

Elder Jared Cordon left on his mission August 2013 and is serving in the China Hong Kong Mission. He is learning and speaking Cantonesse. Jared had a strong impression that he would be serving the people of China and was excited to receive his call to Hong Kong. 

Elder Steven Cordon left on his mission May 2014 and is serving in the Washington Kennewick Mission. He waited a long time for his call to come and left quickly once he received it. Steven has a blog where he has shared his journey back to the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as his experience of forgiveness through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Read more about his journey here.

Each week they will send home letters to their family and friends sharing their thoughts, experiences, and testifying of what they know. Please check back often to read more about their journeys and the message they are sharing with those they are serving as well as the message they wish to share with each of us.

Feel free to leave comments which I will send to them. Also they love letters and hearing from those reading their letters. Please don’t hesitate to write them and share with them your experiences.

Enjoy the blog and all the weekly letters. If you want to search by a particular brother their letters are sorted in folders… Just click on their name in the footer of each post.

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